
Westival is the oldest music and arts festival in the West of Ireland. 

Originally called the Westport Arts & Music Festival, it was founded almost 50 years ago by a group of local volunteers who wanted  to showcase the flourishing arts and music sector in the west of Ireland.

Its purpose is to widen the community’s field of experiences through engagement with the arts, engendering positive societal change and social cohesion in our area.




Westival CLG is a company limited by guarantee
Company Number: 635583
Company Registered in Ireland.
Address :  Leeson Centre Altamount St, Westport
Charity Number 20205960
CHY Number 22804
Our accounts are audited annually by MCP Accountants and prepared to 31st December.
For information on our financials please email chair@westival.ie and will be delighted to share any information required
Its Board of Directors all reside in Ireland, they are: 
Eugene Dowd
Fiona Wilde
Aoife Staunton 
Padraic McMahon
Patrick Hughes
Brid Conroy