Town Hall Theatre // 26 Oct // 16:00
In preparation for the festival of Samhain, come join Monica on a shamanic healing journey to meet The Cailleach.
The festival of Samhain, celebrated on October 31st marks the end of Summer. It is the transition between the light half of the year and the dark.
And with it comes The Cailleach-- the veiled one, the Celtic Sovereign Goddess. She, the primordial power of the land, is the Mother Goddess and is as old as time. She is a fierce protector of the earth and she prepares us and re- introduces us to the healing energies of the dark months.
She invites us to go within, look at our own inner landscape and reflect at this time of darkness. She encourages us to let go of all habits and behaviours that no longer serve us.
Monica will use the rhythm of a drum as she guides you to reach a deep meditative state to meet The Cailleach, where you will receive healing and connection and most importantly release any energies that no longer serve you.